The funny thing about writing is that in the midst of putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard a myriad of ideas, inspirations and challenges take place that can and sometimes change your idea or thoughts about what you want to express. This blog is a great example of that, as it was not suppose to be about my sons and then again maybe it was because they both came to mind as I thought about the title of this blog, which was Take the Leap, Don't Worry About the Net. Which would be logical of course, if you are going to leap.
The thought led me to a conversation I had with my younger son about his new job and how he is being pushed and challenged in unexpected ways. I look at what both of them are doing and are accomplishing and I realized you need to step up your game,! No, but seriously they are doing exactly what this article is about. My oldest son Adam loved Power Rangers, comic books and video games when he was growing up and out of that passion has created his own videoblog with thousands of followers from something he was passionate about. Was he scared, yes he was and we had many conversations to prove it, but the longer he waited to do this the more unhappy he felt about not doing it. So he learned what he could learn about how to set up a video blog, talked to his dad about what equipment he needed and took the leap, why because his passion became stronger than his fear. He is great on camera, passionate, funny and knows his stuff. Now he has almost 6,000 followers on his youtube channel APlus Opinions. Yes I am a proud mother, as I am sure many of you reading this are about your beautiful children. My youngest son Cory fell in love with Japan and the culture when he was very young and is making a life for himself over in Japan. Once out of college, he was Japan bound. He had been teaching himself the language since he was about 10, but felt it was time to become fully immersed in it. Now he just graduated for the 2nd time, this time with a Technical Associate's Degree in Japanese Language and landed his first professional job which as I mentioned earlier in the blog. There were many challenges, from emotional ones of leaving your family to financial challenges to finding a place, getting a job, but his passion became stronger than his fear and he, like Adam took the leap without seeing the net. He made the comment recently about something his boss asked him to do on his first day and he said I thought I was going to get some training. Welcome to the real world hon. I did say to him, you truly have been training for this your whole life, it just did not show up the way you expected it to, but you are prepared, passionate and powerful, heck you traveled half way across the world and the world is finally ready to me you! Introduce Yourself to It! We all at times feel like we need more training, but our souls are prepared, we have all been in training for many years and although there will still be some leaps we struggle with taking, do what your heart and soul calls out to you to do. Let your passion become stronger than our fear. Take the leap without seeing the net and know that it will appear when it needs to and not a moment to soon or too late. What is your next Leap, or perhaps first leap? If you're not sure, that is okay as well. Take some time and listen to your soul, your passion is in there, it's always there calling out to you all the time. Find the common thread of everything that inspires you and you will see it, feel it and then allow yourself to leap towards it. My sons have helped me with my calling because I get to help them in-power their dreams, have amazing life conversations with them, help to ignite their soul along their own in-powering journey and they continue to honor me and my mommy wisdom. My calling is in In-Powerment, which takes me down many avenues of helping others take their own leap, from in-powering their selves to earn a profit from what they love, to living a more vibrant life. As you can see we can be inspired by so many different people, all different ages, from friends to family. So in honor of my two heroic sons, I say thank you as they continue to inspire me. I follow in their footsteps and take the leap everyday and use my passion of helping others so they may live an In-Powered life, from health to wealth, having fun, passion, purpose and profit along this amazing journey we call life! Until we connect again, Stay InPowered! Namaste! Georgette, Your InPoweredpreneur™ Comments are closed.